

The document is a datasheet for the TC Electronics Corporation’s vertical plug (PLG) header assembly. This product, identified with a series of part numbers such as 8-146276-X and 3-146276-X (where X varies), features a single-row, high temperature resistant design, suitable for printed circuit board (PCB) mounting.

Features and Specifications

Constructed to handle high temperatures, the header assembly includes breakaway capabilities, allowing it to be broken into the desired number of positions. It offers 0.51 [.020] inch with 0.025 square posts and provides a true position tolerance when the headers are held flat against the PCB. The product is available in different positions as indicated by the varying part numbers.

Dimensions and Material

The datasheet specifies numerous dimensions in inches with decimal and millimeters in square brackets, catering to a range of product sizes. It highlights detailed measurements such as post tip thickness and spacing between posts, provided in both imperial and metric units, e.g., 2.54 [.100] inches.

Plating and Material Information

It features 0.00038 [.000015] inches of gold in the contact area, 0.00254-0.00504 [.000100-.000200] inches of matte tin-lead on the solder tail, over 0.00127 [.000050] inches of nickel. The header’s housing is made from Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) and is colored black, with posts constructed from brass. An alternative version with matte tin on the solder tail is also mentioned.

Additional Notes

The documentation references a controlled document with amendments possibly made on 31 MAR 2000 by individuals such as Dubniczki. The drawings referenced in the datasheet are restricted to the extent determined by the company’s internal regulations and are recommended for PCB mounting on a board of 0.063 [1.60] inches thickness and a stencil thickness of 0.012 [.305] inches.

Assembly and Customization

The assembly may be custom-fitted to meet particular requirements. It provides a breakaway feature, which allows for customization in number of positions as per design demands of the electronic device or circuit.


Overall, the datasheet details a customizable, high-temperature resistant header suitable for a variety of electronic applications, featuring ease of mounting and quality contact materials. The exact specifications are model-dependent, with the numerical variation in the part numbers indicative of specific models and associated dimensions.


Download: TC Electronics Corp – Header Assembly, Mod II, Breakway, Product Spec PL Single Row High Temperature, Vertical PLG

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