
The datasheet provides specifications and information on SEMI-PRECISION POWER WIREWOUND RESISTORS manufactured by IRC. The resistors are designed for high precision and performance, with a resistance range of 0.1 ohm to 300K ohms and wattage ratings from 1.0 to 14 watts. The resistors are available in various styles, including MIL-R-26 and MIL-R-39007, and have a silicone coat for thermal protection.


The datasheet provides detailed specifications for the resistors, including resistance range, tolerance, and maximum working voltage. The resistors are available with various tolerance options, including 0.1% and 1.0%, and have a maximum working voltage of up to 540.8 volts.

Temperature Range and Coefficient

The resistors have a temperature range of -55°C to +275°C, and a temperature coefficient (TC) of 0.01% to 0.5% per degree Celsius. The TC coefficient can vary depending on the specific resistor style and application.

Special Features

The resistors have several special features, including radial lead availability, resistance network packages designed to individual customer requirements, and temperature coefficient matching and tracking to ±5 ppm. The resistors are also available with a high thermal conductivity core (Beryllium Oxide) and ratio tolerance matched sets.

How to Order

The datasheet provides instructions on how to order the resistors, including the sample part number, style, characteristic, resistance value, and tolerance. The resistors are available for immediate delivery and can be shipped to customers worldwide.


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