
The Operation and Installation Manual Automatic Transfer Switch TP-6807 is designed to provide safe and reliable operation of the Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) system.

Safety Precautions and Instructions

The manual emphasizes the importance of following all safety precautions and instructions to prevent accidents and ensure the safe operation of the ATS system.

Table of Contents

The table of contents provides an overview of the manual’s contents, including sections on Product Identification Information, Safety Precautions and Instructions, and Operation.

Product Identification Information

The manual provides product identification numbers and serial numbers for the ATS system, as well as information on product identification labels.


The manual provides instructions for the installation of the ATS system, including receipt of the unit, inspection, unpacking, and installation.


The manual provides information on the operation of the ATS system, including source availability, ATS control sequence of operation, and load control time delay.

Scheduled Maintenance

The manual provides instructions for scheduled maintenance of the ATS system, including testing, inspection, and service.

Diagrams and Drawings

The manual includes diagrams and drawings for the ATS system, as well as a list of abbreviations.


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