
This manual provides operation and maintenance instructions for KOHLER Mobile Generator Sets, Models 35-175REOZT, with the Decision-Maker 3500 controller.

Product Identification

Record product identification numbers, including model designation, serial number, and firmware/software version numbers, for future reference.

Safety Precautions

Warning: This product can expose users to chemicals known to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Ensure proper ventilation and follow safety guidelines.

Controller Features

The Decision-Maker 3500 controller provides features such as switches and controls, annunciator lamps, graphical display, and metering menus.

Electrical Connections and Requirements

Follow proper electrical connection procedures for the customer connection panel, voltage selector switch, and mobile paralleling box.

Maintenance and Service

Regular maintenance is crucial for optimal performance. Follow the service schedule and procedures for generator set, engine, trailer, and accessories.


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