The Withings BPM Connect is a digital automatic device for home blood pressure (BP) measurement at the brachial level, using the oscillometric method.
Device Description
The device includes a cuff assembly, a main unit with a pneumatic circuit, a pressure sensor, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth components.
Validation Study
The study assessed the accuracy of the Withings BPM Connect in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia, according to the AAMI/ESH/ISO Universal Standard Protocol.
The results showed that the device fulfilled the protocol requirements, with mean differences between the mercury standard and device BP values of -0.5 ± 5.7 mmHg for systolic BP and 0.8 ± 3.8 mmHg for diastolic BP.
Therefore, the Withings BPM Connect can be recommended for home BP measurements in pregnant women, including those with pre-eclampsia.
Download: Withings BPM Connect User Manual
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