About the MacroView Otoscope
The MacroView Otoscope provides a bigger, better, sharper view of the ear, with 30% increased magnification and a wider focus range compared to traditional otoscopes.
It features LED technology with the benefits of energy efficiency, a familiar halogen-like color, and a 7-year warranty.
Key Features
The MacroView Otoscope has a proprietary “Tip Grip” for easy ear speculum disposal, an adjustable focus wheel, and an optional throat/nasal illuminator.
It is available in various configurations, including the Welch Allyn Green Series Integrated Wall Diagnostic System and the 3.5 V Halogen HPX Diagnostic Set.
Accessories include disposable ear specula, insufflation bulbs, and rechargeable handles.
Download: Welch Allyn MacroView Otoscope User Manual
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