This user manual applies to the 901128 CARDIOPULMONARY ECG SYSTEM and 901095 ECG ACQUISITION MODULE.
Important Notices
Welch Allyn assumes no responsibility for any injury or improper use of the product that may result from failure to use this product in accordance with the instructions, cautions, warnings, or statement of intended use published in this manual.
Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Manufacturer’s Responsibility
Welch Allyn is responsible for the effects on safety and performance only if assembly operations, extensions, readjustments, modifications, or repairs are carried out only by persons authorized by Welch Allyn.
Responsibility of the Customer
The user of this device is responsible for ensuring the implementation of a satisfactory maintenance schedule.
Download: Welch Allyn Diagnostic Cardiology Suite Wireless Acquisition Module and UTK User Manual
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