The iHealth Track blood pressure monitor is an automatic device that measures blood pressure and heart rate at the brachial level.
Validation Study
The device was validated according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 (ESH-IP2) in a descriptive investigation study.
The study involved 33 participants and compared the device measurements with those of the Omron M3 IntelliSense reference device.
The iHealth Track device passed the validation process, meeting the ESH-IP2 requirements for both blood pressure and heart rate measurements.
The device showed an absolute difference within 5 mm Hg in 75 of 99 pairs of differences for systolic blood pressure and in 78 of 99 pairs for diastolic blood pressure.
Additionally, 89 of 99 comparisons had an absolute difference within 3 beats/min for heart rate.
The iHealth Track device is suitable for use in the general population, providing accurate measurements of blood pressure and heart rate.
Download: User Manual for iHealth Track Blood Pressure Monitor
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