The ONE Guides 4D Neurological Imaging 2010 is a user manual for the ONE Aquilion dynamic volume CT system, designed for comprehensive stroke assessment and 4D CT digital subtraction angiography (DSA) imaging.
Key Features
The Neuro ONE protocol provides CT angiography, CT venography, 4D CT DSA, and whole-brain perfusion imaging, allowing for dynamic volume imaging of the brain during contrast medium infusion.
The system is capable of scanning the entire brain in a single gantry rotation, providing true 4D CT DSA images of the intracranial circulation.
Clinical Applications
The manual includes clinical examples of acute stroke imaging, demonstrating the advantages of whole-brain perfusion and 4D CT DSA in evaluating cerebral ischemia and vascular pathology.
The protocol outline and examination guidelines are provided for Neuro ONE brain perfusion, 4D CT DSA, and post-processing using Toshiba Console and Vitrea fX.
Download: The ONE Guides 4D Neurological Imaging 2010 – ONE Aquilion dynamic volume CT
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