This user manual is for the Siemens Artis Icono ceiling IR Pro interventional radiology equipment, which is being installed to replace the existing Siemens Axion Artis dTCIdTA Detector serial #55423 interventional radiology equipment.

The new equipment is being installed in room #9 of the main campus of Atrium Health Cabarrus, and will be used for substantially the same procedures as the existing equipment.

The total cost of the project is $8,978,138, which includes the cost of the new equipment and the renovation of the space where it will be installed.

The existing equipment, which has been in use since 2018, will be retained or re-acquired and will remain in its current location.

Important Note:

The Agency’s position on the exemption from certificate of need review is based solely on the facts represented by Atrium Health Cabarrus, and any change in facts as represented would require further consideration by the Agency and a separate determination.


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