The Siemens Artis Icono Bi-Plane Interventional System is designed to replace the existing Siemens Artis Zee MP multi-purpose interventional system at Carolinas Medical Center.
Key Features
The new system will be installed in IR lab #3 and will have bi-plane capability, adding more versatility to the types of interventional procedures that can be performed, specifically neuro-related procedures.
The system is functionally similar to the existing equipment and will be used for the same diagnostic and treatment purposes.
Project Details
The project includes the renovation and reconfiguration of IR lab #3 and adjacent support spaces to accommodate the new equipment and comply with current code requirements.
The total capital cost of the project is $3,030,755, including taxes and freight.
Download: Siemens Artis Icono Bi-Plane Interventional System User Manual
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