Welcome to Your Protekt? Gazelle Knee Walker
This mobility device is designed to provide assistance and comfort to individuals with an injury below the knee. It allows for even distribution of body weight by supporting half of the weight on the device and the other half on the non-injured leg.
The Knee Walker features a cushioned platform pad to support the injured leg, easy steering, stopping and maneuverability, and a user-friendly brake system for controlled movement and user safety.
Important Safety Precautions
Before using the Knee Walker, you should be properly trained by a skilled healthcare professional. Engage the lock and practice reaching, bending, and transferring on and off the Knee Walker.
Always follow the instructions and precautions outlined in this manual to ensure safe and effective use of the Knee Walker.
Download: Protekt? Gazelle Steerable Knee Walker with Basket USER MANUAL Model: KWADC
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