This Quick Start Instruction is designed to help users set up their Omron controller quickly and easily. It provides guidelines for connecting the device, parameterizing it, and getting it started. The guide assumes the user has knowledge of electric shocks and other hazards involved in handling electronic devices.

The user manual is aimed at technically skilled persons and does not substitute thorough study of the comprehensive guide and data sheet for Omron controllers, which can be found on the OMRON website.


To follow this guide, users need the following hardware: Temperature control ESCC ESEC ES, Reader Temperature sensor: Pt100 or Thermocouple Sensor with process value 4-20mA or 0-10V, Heating and/or cooling element control through Relay, control through Solid-state relay control through 4-20mA.

Disclaimers and Important Notes

OMRON will not accept liability for any incorrectness or incompleteness of this guide. The company reserves the right to apply changes to the product and the guide to further improve the reliability, functionality, and design of the guide and/or the product without prior notice.


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