Autologous Anti-Inflammatory Treatment

The nSTRIDE APS treatment introduces high levels of “good” proteins concentrated from your own blood to alleviate pain and bring balance back to your inflamed knee joint.

The treatment can reduce pain in the knee joint, improve joint function, and may slow the destruction of cartilage.

Post-Treatment Guidance

You may experience some side effects, such as generalized swelling, bruising, and local pain associated with the blood draw or knee injection.

For pain management, analgesics such as paracetamol can be taken. Contact your doctor if you experience swelling with redness and warmness in the joint or at the injection site.

What to Expect

In the first 4-5 days, you may experience pain in the injection site or in the knee. Minimize your activity level for 14 days and avoid high-intensity or long-distance sports or training.

Pain relief may be expected after one to two weeks, but for many patients, substantial pain relief normally occurs between 2-4 weeks after treatment.

Contact your doctor if you experience pain that is different from the pain you had prior to the injection or if you do not have pain relief after 8 weeks.


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