Downloading and Uploading Data
To download and upload data from your MEDTRONIC insulin pump and Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), follow these steps:
Establish a CareLink Account: Create a unique login for CareLink and share the username and password with your healthcare provider.
Install the CareLink Uploader: Download and install the CareLink Uploader software to upload data to the CareLink website.
Add Your Device: Plug in the CareLink USB or meter, login to the CareLink website, and add your insulin pump by selecting the model and entering the serial number.
Upload Your Devices: Plug in the CareLink USB or meter, login to the CareLink website, select the device, and click “Upload Now” to begin the upload process.
If you need assistance, contact Medtronic at 800-633-8766 (toll-free within the United States) or +1 763 514 4000 (worldwide).
Download: MEDTRONIC Insulin Pump Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) User Manual
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