The Kardia AliveCor” is a mobile, clinical-quality electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) recorder. This user manual provides instructions on setting up the device, taking EKG recordings, and analyzing the results.
Product Description
The Kardia Mobile product consists of the Kardia Mobile device, the Kardia phone app, and a compatible smartphone or tablet. It is intended for use by healthcare professionals, adult patients with known or suspected heart conditions, and health-conscious individuals.
Care should be taken when using the device, and certain precautions should be followed to ensure proper use and to prevent damage to the device or itself. These precautions include avoiding exposure to strong electromagnetic fields, taking recordings in a quiet environment, and not using the device in close proximity to other equipment emitting ultrasonic acoustics.
Setting Up the Kardia Mobile
To set up the Kardia Mobile, first decide which smartphone or tablet to use, then unpack the device, choose its placement, and download the Kardia phone app. The app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play store.
Download: Kardia AliveCor” User Manual
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