This manual provides guidelines for cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of the ultrasound transducer Aplio, Aplio i-Series Aplioi900 Aduau.
The manual describes procedures for cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of transducers, including precautions to ensure patient and operator safety.
Safety Precautions
The manual highlights important safety precautions to avoid, including immersion of non-waterproof sections in liquids and use of chemicals or methods other than those specified in this guide.
Additionally, the manual advises on steps to prevent infection, such as wearing protective gloves and sterile protective gloves, and cleaning the transducer before and after examination.
For more information, refer to the tables and figures in section 3 for the immersible range of each transducer model and detailed conditions for cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization.
Important notes, such as restrictions on sale or use for USA only, are also included in the manual.
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