The user manual provides instructions for the use of the BullDog Air/Water, Suction, and Biopsy Valve, which are used in conjunction with Fujifilm GI endoscopes.

The manual emphasizes the importance of proper use, handling, and disposal of the devices, as they are intended for single-use only.

The instructions cover the use and handling of the Air/Water Valve, Suction Valve, Biopsy Valve, and Auxiliary Water Jet Connector, as well as the Air/Water Channel Cleaning Adapter.

The manual also includes warnings and precautions for the use of these devices, such as the risk of cross-contamination and the need for proper aseptic technique.

It is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use and to consult the medical literature relative to techniques, contraindications, complications, and hazards prior to any endoscopic procedure.


Download: Fujifilm GI Endoscope Air/Water, Suction, and Biopsy Valve Instructions for Use, Part Number 1203-91, 1203-92, and 1203-61

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