Getting Started

The Fitbit Luxe user manual provides guidance on setting up and using the device. It includes information on what’s in the box, charging, and setting up the device with the Fitbit app.

Key Features

The Luxe tracks daily activities, sleep, and heart rate. It also provides guided breathing exercises and stress management tools. Additionally, it includes features for tracking exercise, GPS, and heart-rate zones.

Navigation and Settings

The manual covers basic navigation, quick settings, and display settings. It also explains how to adjust settings, check battery levels, and turn off the screen.

Apps and Clock Faces

Users can change the clock face, open apps, and receive notifications from their phone.

Troubleshooting and Support

The manual provides troubleshooting tips for common issues, such as heart-rate signal missing and GPS signal missing. It also includes information on updating, restarting, and erasing the device.


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