Canon Medical Systems USA, Inc. provides remote service and support to customers through VPN connections to their medical imaging devices.
Security Features
The system supports three connectivity methods, including Canon Firewall, Lan-to-Lan IPSec, and VPN out-bound connections.
Canon’s system follows MITA recommendations for security and privacy, with features such as authentication by Pre-Shared Key or x.509 Digital Certificates, and NAT-Traversal capability.
Canon Firewall
The Canon Firewall is recommended for malware mitigation and VPN connectivity, acting as a state-full firewall and initiating a VPN tunnel out-bound to the Canon Service Concentrator.
The Canon Firewall is provided free of charge to warranty and service contract customers and is designed to isolate the Canon medical imaging equipment on the customer network.
Download: Canon Medical Systems USA, Inc. Remote Service and Support: VPN to Customer’s Canon Medical Devices
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