The Beurer BM 28 is a non-invasive blood pressure monitor designed for adults, allowing for quick and easy measurement of arterial blood pressure values.
Important Notes
The device should not be used outside of a household setting or under the influence of movement, as this can affect measurement accuracy.
It is also not recommended for use with newborns, pre-eclampsia patients, or individuals with certain medical conditions, such as heart-kreislauf system diseases, diabetes, or circulatory disorders.
The device should be used with caution and under the supervision of a qualified person if the user has physical, sensory, or mental disabilities.
To ensure accurate measurements, it is recommended to measure blood pressure at the same time of day, after a 5-minute rest, and without eating, drinking, smoking, or engaging in physical activity for at least 30 minutes prior.
The device should not be used on arms with medical conditions, such as intravascular access or arteriovenous shunts, and should not be placed over wounds.
Proper care and storage of the device are essential to maintain its accuracy and lifespan, including protection from shocks, moisture, dirt, extreme temperature fluctuations, and direct sunlight.
Download: Beurer BM 28 Blood Pressure Monitor Instructions for Use
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