
The BD HealthSight Inventory Optimization system is a supply chain-driven analytics solution designed to optimize on-hand inventory, minimize waste, reduce stock-out events, and drive prioritization in medication inventory management.

Challenges in Medication Inventory Management

Hospitals face significant challenges in managing medication inventory, including high drug costs, inefficient inventory management, and labor-intensive processes.

Key Statistics:
Drug costs represent 15% of total hospital expenses per year, with hospitals spending 18% more in supply chain operations than necessary in 2018.

Benefits of BD HealthSight Inventory Optimization

The system has been shown to reduce stock-out rates, expired waste, and inventory carrying costs, while improving staff efficiency and reducing frustration.

“With BD HealthSight Inventory Optimization, we can reduce the labor involved in managing inventory… and spend time on adding value, particularly around cost-reduction strategies.” – David Webster, RPh, MSBA


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