
The Alaris PK Syringe Pump is an infusion tool for administering drugs for anesthesia. It has three compartment pharmacokinetic predictive models and four modes of operation: Continuous Infusion, Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA), TIVA with TCI predictions, and TCI Mode.


The pump has a user-friendly interface displaying infusion rate, total drug dose delivered, and estimated plasma and effect-site concentrations. It is intended for use by medical staff for controlling infusion rate and volume.

Indications and Contraindications

The pump is indicated for the administration of drugs for anesthesia and contraindicated for enteral therapies and epidural infusion therapies.

Important Notes

Users must be thoroughly familiar with the pump and its operation before use. The pump should only be operated by a clinician competent in the use of automated syringe pumps and post-placement management of intravenous catheters.


Download: Alaris PK Syringe Pump Model: 80053UNO1 Directions For Use

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