The BD Syringe Infusion Pump User Manual provides 10 key recommendations for advancing patient safety when using syringe pump systems for microinfusion in intravenous (IV) drug therapy.


Create and maintain awareness of potential risks through continuous training and education.

Establish and maintain proper protocols for advancing patient safety when using syringe pump systems.

Safe Handling and Operation:

Use the smallest appropriately sized Luer lock syringe possible, especially with highly concentrated IV drugs.

Prevent and manage infusion line occlusion and adjust occlusion alarm pressure to optimal sensitivity.

This manual emphasizes the importance of optimally designed and certified equipment, strict protocols, and vigilance in advancing patient safety when using syringe infusion pump systems for IV drug therapy.


Download: 10 Safety Recommendations for Advancing Patient Safety When Using Syringe Pump Systems for Microinfusion: BD Syringe Infusion Pump User Manual

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