
YAGEO YC158 Series Chip Resistor Array

The YAGEO YC158 series datasheet presents technical specifications for the company’s chip resistors array. This series utilizes a thick film process to produce chip resistors. The datasheet details how to identify the part number, which includes the series, size, tolerance, packing style, temperature coefficient, special type, and resistance value.

Product Identification and Marking

Part numbers in the YC158 series follow a structured format, denoted as YC158T, with subsequent placeholders for tolerance, packaging type, and other specifications. The tolerance is identified by the letter “J,” which stands for a ±5% tolerance. The first two digits in the marking represent the significant figure, while the third digit signifies the number of zeros. A letter “R” is used to indicate the decimal place. Packing type for the resistors is indicated with an “R,” referring to paper taping reel.

Packaging and Temperature Characteristics

The packaging type “R” specifies paper taping reel with a temperature characteristic of the resistance designated as “G,” which equates to ±200 ppm/°C, based on the specified standard.

Physical Dimensions and Construction

The datasheet includes a table with dimensions for the YC158 chip resistor array, providing measurements for the body (B), height (H), distance between pins (P), length (L), height from seating plane (Hz), terminal thickness (T), width (W1), and terminal width (W2). The datasheet also includes a figure (Fig: 2) depicting the construction of the YC158 series chip resistors.

Resistance Values and Schematic

Resistance values available in the YC158 series range from 56 ohms (56R) to 56 megaohms (56M), offering a broad spectrum for different applications. An equivalent circuit diagram (Fig: 3) shows the arrangement of resistors within the array, where RI=R2=R3=R4=R5=R6=R7=R8, illustrating the balanced nature of these resistor components.

Created on January 15, 2003V.04, this datasheet is designed to supply essential information for engineers and designers to understand the specifics of the YAGEO YC158 chip resistor arrays. By consolidating this data into a concise format, YAGEO facilitates the selection and integration of its resistors into various electronic circuits.


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