The Y-ConPlug series offers industrial RJ45 plugs with Cat 5 cable guides, shielding, and cable crimp prevention to prevent cable rotation.
Key Features
Available with Ethernet/customized contact wiring, with or without power contacts. Accessories include IP20 strain relief (YConAS-11) and IP20 protective transport cap (YConAS-12).
Materials: Plug body: PBT, UL94V-0; Shielding: Nickel plated brass; Contacts: 30μ”Au over Ni.
Specifications: Operating temperature: -20°C to 120°C; Durability: 500 mechanical cycles; Current rating: 2.1A @ 70°C (power contacts).
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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/y-conplug-31/4164237927982164066/