

The X9221A is a dual digitally controlled potentiometer (XDCP) that integrates two XDCPs on a monolithic CMOS integrated microcircuit.

Key Features

It features a 2-wire serial interface, 8 registers, and a resolution of 64 taps per pot. The device is available in 20-lead plastic DIP and 20-lead SOIC packages, with Pb-free plus anneal options.


The XDCP is implemented using 63 resistive elements in a series array, with tap points connected to the wiper terminal through switches. The wiper position is controlled by the user through the 2-wire bus interface.

The device can be used as a three-terminal potentiometer or as a two-terminal variable resistor in a wide variety of applications, including control, parameter adjustments, and signal processing.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/x9221awszt1/-2155337722668699477/

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