

The VICHIP Bus Converter B048F240T30 is a high-efficiency (>96%) Sine Amplitude Converter (SAC) that operates from a 38 to 53 Vdc primary bus to deliver an isolated 19.0 V to 26.5 V secondary.

Key Features

High density: 1017 W/in2, small footprint, and low weight (0.5 oz or 15 g)

Fast response time: <1 μs transient response, reducing the need for output filtering

High efficiency: Typical efficiency of 96%, with low power dissipation and no discrete heat sink required

Reliability: 3.5 million hours MTBF, with a safe operating temperature range and low thermal impedance

The bus converter is suitable for powering non-isolated POL converters or as an independent 19.0 V to 26.5 V source.


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