
The datasheet appears to provide detailed specifications for Integrated Circuit (IC) assembly, with the primary focus on dimensions and plating options for IC sockets. The content provided seems to come from a print that may have been encoded or obscured, as the precise model number or part number and clear headings are not immediately evident. However, the sheet references various types of profiles, contact force options, allowable bow limits, plating specifications, and lead style selections that are essential when choosing the appropriate IC components for electronic manufacturing.

General Specifications

Part of the document outlines the general tolerances for various measurements related to IC assembly. These include one-place decimals, two-place decimals, three-place decimals, four-place decimals, and angles. It emphasizes the importance of precision in IC design and installation.

Profile Options

There are different IC socket body profiles mentioned, such as standard, hi-temp super low, and slim profiles. Each profile likely caters to different demands and operating conditions – for example, high temperature or space-constrained environments.

Contact Specifications

The document lists options for contact force within the IC socket, varying from standard contact force to low contact force. A specific mention of minimum pushout forces indicates the durability or retention characteristics of the IC assembly in varying conditions.

Plating Options

Plating options are critical for ensuring reliable electrical connections and corrosion resistance. The datasheet includes a table that details specifications for cold/cold, gold/tin, extra heavy cold, and gold/tin combinations, among others. Specific codes for these plating options are given, which would be used to specify the desired plating when ordering.

Lead Style

A section on lead style specifications advises on selecting the appropriate lead socket from a provided table, which is essential for achieving proper mechanical and electrical connections in IC assemblies.

Series and Positioning

Reference part numbers for various IC series and their dimensions in inches and millimeters are included, suggesting this datasheet could be useful for a range of IC models.

Proprietary Notice and Manufacturer Information

The document bears a proprietary notice, emphasizing the confidentiality of the data. Company information is provided, specifying a location in New Albany, Indiana, with contact details and a P.O. Box number. The document is credited to an individual named Jordan, dated October 29, 1986, suggesting this might be a dated document or it’s using a placeholder date.

Miscellaneous Notes

The last line on the first page appears to be a series of miscellaneous marketing codes or internal references followed by a caution not to scale from the print, which implies that the paper copy should not be used for precise measurements.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/ica-320-agt-h/4519273893974560347/

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