This datasheet presents the specifications of the TeraSPEEDO Mini Single Jacket All-Dielectric Outdoor Stranded Loose Tube Arid-Core Construction Cable.
The cable has a stranded loose tube construction with 24 fibers, each 250 microns in diameter, and a UV-stabilized outer jacket.
General Specifications
The cable has a total fiber count of 24, with a diameter of 9.5mm and a maximum tensile load of 2700 N.
Optical Specifications
The fiber type is G.652D and G.657.A1, with a minimum bend radius of 95 mm and a maximum operating temperature of -40°C to +70°C.
Environmental Specifications
The cable is designed for aerial, lashed, and buried installations, and meets various environmental standards, including ANSI/ICEA S-87-640 and EN 187105.
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