

The datasheet details the SASSSATION 3 0603 Thick Film Chip Resistor provided by State of the Art, Inc. This standard grade resistor features wraparound terminations with a base made of 96% alumina, designed for versatile applications in various electronic devices.

Performance Characteristics

The resistor offers a wide resistance range from 10 ohms to 40 Megaohms. Tolerances are specified at 0.5% (with limited availability), 1%, 2%, 5%, and 10%, accommodating different precision requirements. Its Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) comes in three variations: ±100, ±200, and ±300 ppm/°C, essential for applications sensitive to temperature variations.

A key characteristic is the thermal resistance at 78.4°C/W, which informs on the heat dissipation capacity. The thick film chip resistor operates efficiently up to a maximum power rating of 100 mW and a maximum voltage of 45 Volts. Specifics on power dissipation rates are also outlined, although the numbers provided in the datasheet excerpt are unclear.

Environmental Performance & Reliability

Environmental performance is assessed via a range of tests, with typical resistance change indicated by:

  • Thermal Shock
  • Low Temperature Operation
  • Short-time Overload
  • Resistance to Bonding Exposure
  • Moisture Resistance
  • High-Temperature Exposure

The life test result demonstrates a limit of 0.7% resistance change in 2500 hours, which is a testament to its long-term reliability. Moreover, the document mentions a power derating curve that shows the change in power capacity with increasing ambient temperature.

Part Numbering System

The datasheet provides a detailed explanation of how the part numbering system correlates to specific resistor features such as the packaging code, temperature characteristic, tolerance, resistance value, termination finish, product designation, and termination type.

Physical Dimensions & Mounting Information

Dimensions of the chip resistor are given in both inches and millimeters, specifying length, width, thickness, terminal position, and the minimum recommended mounting pad sizes to ensure proper fit during application.

Manufacturer Details

State of the Art, Inc., headquartered in State College, PA, provides contact information, including phone, fax, and a toll-free number, as well as their official website, for potential customers needing additional information or customer support.

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice, as indicated at the bottom of the provided datasheet content.


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