

The datasheet provides detailed information about the ENCAPSULANT PRECISION 5 0505 Thin Film Chip Resistor by State of the Art, Inc. It specifies the performance characteristics, environmental performance, part numbering, packaging, termination finish, mechanical dimensions, and typical life test performance of the resistors.

Performance Characteristics

The resistors have a resistance range of 5.60 ohms to 470 kilohms and offer tolerances of 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 5%. They possess a Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) of ±25, +50, +100 parts per million (ppm). The maximum power dissipation is 125 milliwatts (mW) at an ambient temperature of 70 degrees Celsius, with a derating curve provided for higher temperatures, and the maximum applicable voltage is 40 volts.

Environmental Performance

The datasheet lists the environmental performances tested according to MIL-PRF-55342 standards with typical resistance change for various stressors such as thermal shock, low temperature operation, short-time overload, and moisture resistance, among others, showing stability within a ±0.03% window.

Part Numbering System

The part numbering provides insight into the product specifications, such as termination finish (where ‘B’ indicates Sn60 over nickel barrier and ‘W’ for Gold), temperature characteristic, tolerance, resistance value, product designation, and termination type. The resistance value is designated by three or four digits based on tolerance level, with the last digit indicating the number of zeros to add and the inclusion of a letter for decimal fractional ohmic values.

Mechanical Details

The datasheet provides dimensions in both inches and millimeters, specifying length, width, thickness, terminations, and the gap between terminations, as well as the approximate weight of the resistor.

Packaging and Reliability

Resistor packaging options include Tape/Reel (TR) and Wafer Carrier (W), with bulk packaging as the default. A distinction is made between standard grade (S: Standard Production) and high reliability (H: High Reliability), for which customers should contact the factory regarding screening options.

Additional Information

The datasheet notes that specifications are subject to change without notice. State of the Art, Inc.’s contact information and the date of the document (02/08/08) are included in the footer.


Download: State of the Art, Inc. ENCAPSULANT PRECISION 5 0505 Thin Film Chip Resistor

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