

This datasheet provides detailed specifications for the 0603 Thin Film Chip Resistor designed by State of the Art, Inc., featuring precision construction with wraparound terminations and a 99.6% alumina base. It highlights the product’s resistance range, tolerances, temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), power dissipation capabilities, and environmental performance.

Key Specifications

The resistor range spans from 5.60 ohms to 390kΩ, with tolerances of 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 5%. TCR values come in +25, ±50, ±100 ppm. The component is capable of withstanding a maximum of 100 mW of power and a maximum voltage of 40 Volts. A detailed part numbering system provides customization options including packaging, termination finish, TCR, tolerance, and resistance value.

Environmental and Mechanical Performance

Environmental performance is confirmed through rigorous tests, including thermal shock, low temperature operation, short-time overload, and exposure to moisture and high temperatures. The resistor’s general stability is shown by a typical life test performance chart indicating power derating over time.

Physical Dimensions

Physical attributes such as length, width, thickness, terminal gap, and weight are outlined, with measurements provided in both inches and millimeters. Recommended mounting pad dimensions are also specified for optimal installation.

Part Numbering and Packaging

Part numbering is described, showing how to specify the resistor’s temperature characteristic, tolerance, resistance value, and termination type. Packaging options are indicated by codes, with TR for Tape/Reel and W for Waffle Carrier. Default packaging is noted as Bulk.

Additional information regarding minimum resistance values at specific tolerances is provided, and customers are invited to consult the factory for limited availability products. A power dissipation chart presents the relationship between ambient temperature and power dissipation.

Contact Information

State of the Art, Inc. provides their contact details including address, phone, fax, and toll-free numbers, along with their official website, reaffirming their commitment to customer support.

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice, as indicated on the datasheet.


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