

This concise summary provides a detailed overview of the State of the Art, Inc. 0505 Thin Film Chip Resistor designed for precision applications. The resistor features wraparound terminations with a standard grade on a 99.6% alumina base, offering stable and accurate resistance for various electronic devices.

Performance Characteristics

The resistor covers a resistance range of 5.60 to 470KΩ, with tolerances available from ±0.1% up to ±5%. It showcases a tight Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) between ±25ppm/°C to ±100ppm/°C, depending on the selected characteristic. With a thermal resistance of 38.8°C/W, the component is capable of handling a maximum power of 125mW and a maximum working voltage of 40 volts. Current noise and power dissipation characteristics follow with graphical representations that aid in understanding the product’s performance envelope.

Environmental Performance

Under environmental stress, resistance changes are nominal, with typical variations within ±0.02% to ±0.03% after undergoing tests like thermal shock, moisture resistance, and high-temperature exposure. The life test curve depicts the power derating over operational hours, showcasing the reliability of the chip resistor under prolonged use.

Part Numbering System

Here, the part numbering configuration is explained, including codes for packaging, termination finish, temperature characteristic (TCR), tolerance, and resistance value. The part numbering guide allows for precise specification of the product’s attributes, ensuring alignment with the application requirements.

Mechanical Specifications

Dimensions are provided in both inches and millimeters, highlighting the chip’s compactness with a length of .053 inches (1.35mm) and weight of 0.0028 grams. The dimensions include length, thickness, terminals, and gap, alongside minimum recommended land patterns, reinforcing the suitability for compact and precise electronics.

Additional Information

State of the Art, Inc. is responsible for the production of this chip resistor, and the datasheet states their contact information including address, phone, fax, and a toll-free number. It is also mentioned that specifications are subject to change, and users are encouraged to consult the factory for details such as minimum resistance range and tolerance limits. The document reference is dated with a revision or publication date to ensure the user is aware of the version.

The datasheet positions this component for users looking for high-performance chip resistors with reliable environmental and power handling characteristics, and it provides a thorough guide for engineers to specify potentially suitable resistors for design and sourcing.


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