

The ST1OF276E is a 16-bit microcontroller unit (MCU) with a MAC unit, featuring 832 Kbyte of Flash memory and 68 Kbyte of RAM.

Key Features

High-performance 16-bit CPU with DSP functions, 31.25ns instruction cycle time at 64MHz max CPU clock.

Multiply-accumulate unit (MAC) with 16 x 16-bit multiplication and 40-bit accumulator.

Enhanced boolean bit manipulations and single-cycle context switching support.

On-chip memories include 512 Kbyte Flash memory, 320 Kbyte extension Flash memory, 2 Kbyte internal RAM, and 66 Kbyte extension RAM.

Programmable external bus configuration, 8-channel peripheral event controller, and 16-priority-level interrupt system.

Various peripherals, including timers, PWM unit, AD converter, serial channels, I2C interface, CAN modules, and real-time clock.

Fail-safe protection, programmable watchdog timer, and oscillator watchdog.

Low power modes, including idle, power down, and stand-by modes, with a single voltage supply.


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