

The P11ZZNLIP1173NL Series datasheet presents technical specifications for the SMT Power Inductors. These inductors are shielded drum core components designed by Pulse, a Technitrol Company. They are compliant with RoHS standards, indicating that they do not contain certain hazardous substances and are environmentally friendly.

Physical Characteristics

The inductors have a maximum height of 8.0mm and a footprint that measures 12.2mm by 12.2mm. They offer a high current rating of up to 14A and come in a range of inductances from 0.8μH to 51μH.

Electrical Specifications

Operating within a temperature range of 40°C to +130°C, the inductors are designed to work efficiently across various environmental conditions. Key electrical parameters include inductance, direct current resistance (DCR), self-resonant frequency (SRF), rated current, saturation current, and heating current, which provide insights into the performance of the inductors at different operation levels.

Important Parameters

Several part numbers like P1172.132NL to P1173.683NL are listed, each with unique specifications pertaining to inductance tolerance, SRF, DCR, and current capabilities. For instance, part number P1172.132NL begins with an inductance of 1.3μH, while the SRF is noted as greater than 40MHz, and core loss and DCR values are specified alongside current ratings relevant to the degree of inductor saturation.

Dimensional Details & Packaging

Additionally, the datasheet includes schematics for suggested pad layouts to facilitate easy mounting of the components onto circuit boards. The P1172 and P1173 inductors are provided in tape and reel packaging suited for automated assembly processes, with each reel containing 400 inductors. Mechanical specifications and weight for the parts are also detailed, with drawings indicating dimensions in inches and millimeters, adhering to tolerances of 0.010 inches or 0.25mm.

Global Support & Ordering Information

Contact details are given for global sales offices in the USA, Germany, Singapore, Shanghai, China, and Taiwan, alongside an online resource at Pulse’s website for further information or ordering instructions. The document reference SPM2O07 and the revision date of 11/07 suggests that the datasheet might not reflect the most current specifications and advises checking for the latest version.


Notes from the table mention that the tolerance for inductance at 0Adc for certain part numbers is ±30%, while all other parts have a tolerance of ±20%. Additional specifications and notes are suggested to be found on page 43, indicating that this datasheet provides a comprehensive guide for proper implementation and usage of the P11ZZNLIP1173NL Series SMT Power Inductors.


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