This datasheet describes a series of SMC connectors with a threaded coupling mechanism, suitable for vibration-proof installation and usable up to 10 GHz.
The connectors are available for flexible, conformable, and semi-rigid cables, and can be mounted to printed circuit boards using thru-hole soldered, thru-hole press-fit, and surface mount technology (SMD) techniques.
Mechanical Characteristics
The connectors have a recommended coupling torque of 25-35 Ncm and a durability of 2,100 mating cycles for standard types and 2,500 mating cycles for MIL types.
Electrical Characteristics
The connectors have a contact resistance of <5 mΩ for the inner conductor and <2.5 mΩ for the outer conductor, with an insulation resistance of ≥1 GΩ and a voltage proof of 750 V / 50 Hz.
The frequency range of the connectors is up to 10 GHz for SMC and up to 4 GHz for SMB and SMS.
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