
Quick Reference Data

The quick reference data on the datasheet outlines critical parameters of the Semtech high voltage fast rectifier diodes. They come in several models (F15, F20, F25, and F30), with main distinctions in working and repetitive reverse voltages. The average forward current is listed at 0.35A with a reverse recovery time of 250ns and a minimal reverse current of 0.25uA. Key features include low switching losses, a low reverse recovery time, high thermal shock resistance, hermetic sealing, and soft recovery characteristics.

Absolute Maximum Ratings

The datasheet lists absolute maximum ratings for these diodes. For each model, it specifies different values for working reverse voltage (VRWM) and repetitive reverse voltage (VRRM), scaling from 1500V for the F15 model to 3000V for the F30. It also states an average forward current (IF(AV)) of 0.35A at a 55°C oil temperature. Repetitive (IFRM) and non-repetitive (IFSM) surge currents are indicated at 1.25A and 5.0A, respectively. Storage (TSTG) and operating (Top) temperature ranges are common among models at -65 to +175°C.

Mechanical Specifications

For the mechanical specifications, it is noted that these products are available in Europe to DEF STAN 59-61 standards, ranging from PART 809/034 to F and FX levels. The dimensions are provided in both millimeters and inches, with a specified lead diameter measurement. There’s also a note on the uncontrolled region over the lead diameter, and the weight of the diode is mentioned as 0.04oz.

Contact Information

For further information, the datasheet provides contact details, including the telephone and fax numbers, as well as Semtech’s website address. The address of Semtech’s corporate headquarters, located in Newbury Park, CA, is also included.


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