
The provided datasheet pertains to the Select 270 Series High Wattage Vitreous Enamel Power Resistors, an array of high-power resistors well-suited for a range of applications requiring wattage ratings from 12 to 1000 watts. These resistors are especially designed for high wattage applications and are engineered to endure rugged conditions.

The 270 Type resistors boast several key features:

  • Vitreous enamel coating that is lead-free and flame resistant, providing durability and robustness.
  • A solid construction achieved through an all-welded process.
  • Ceramic tubular cores with solder-coated radial lug terminals, allowing for efficient soldering or bolt connection.
  • A hollow core that enables secure mounting via various methods such as spring brackets, thru bolts, or slotted-steel brackets.


These power resistors cater to a wide range of ohmic values and dimensions, detailed precisely in the datasheet’s tables. The components deliver a linear derating from 100% at +25°C to 0% at +350°C, indicating their thermal performance under operating conditions. Electrical tolerance is within ±5% for resistances of 19 ohms and over, and within ±10% for resistances under 19 ohms. Overload capacity is up to 10 times the rated wattage for 5 seconds. Key electrical properties such as the temperature coefficient and dielectric withstanding voltage are reported, providing valuable information for circuit design considerations.

Ordering Information

Ordering the correct resistor specifications is made easy through a structured part number system, which includes data such as the Series (270), Wattage (e.g., L25 for 25 watts), Tolerance (e.g., J for ±5%), and Resistance value (e.g., 100E for 100 ohms). The datasheet guides the selection process by providing tables of standard part numbers for common resistance values, illustrating both the layout and how to interpret the part numbers.

Non-Standard and Made-to-Order Options

There are also provisions for non-inductive versions of these resistors, other sizes, and different coatings such as the low-cost Centohm coating. The datasheet clarifies that certain non-standard values may be subject to minimum handling charges and that some resistance values are best avoided in critical applications without appropriate burn-in or thermal cycling. Furthermore, some values are provided with silicone-ceramic coatings rather than vitreous enamel.

Manufacturer and Contact Information

The datasheet concludes with contact details for the Ohmite Manufacturing Company, providing a physical address, phone number, fax number, and website for further inquiries or technical support.


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