High frequency multi-layer chip inductors feature a monolithic body made of low loss ceramic and high conductivity metal electrodes to achieve optimal high frequency performance.
These inductors are compact in size and feature lead-free tin plated nickel barrier terminations and tape and reel packaging, making them ideal for small size, high volume wireless applications.
Applications & Features:
CELL/PCS Modules, Wireless LAN, Broadband Components, RFID, and RF Transceivers.
RoHS Compliant (Standard; “V” Code) and Sn/Pb Terminations Optional (T” Code).
Product Range Summary:
EIA sizes: 0201, 0402, and 0603 with inductance values ranging from 0.6 nH to 220 nH.
Features include high Q factor, high SRF, and operating temperatures from -55°C to +100°C.
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