

The datasheet details the specifications and features of the Quartz THT, a quartz crystal resonator.


The Quartz THT is available in various packages, including HC49U, with a frequency range of 1.84320MHz to 180.00MHz.

The device has a low ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) and is available in fundamental and overtone modes.

The frequency tolerance is ±3 ppm, and the temperature range is -40°C to 125°C.

Frequency Range

The frequency range of the Quartz THT is broken down into several sections, including:

  • 1.8MHz to 15.0MHz (fundamental mode)
  • 15.0MHz to 25.0MHz (fundamental mode)
  • 25.0MHz to 35.0MHz (fundamental mode)
  • 35.0MHz to 75.0MHz (fundamental mode)
  • 75.0MHz to 100.0MHz (fundamental mode)
  • 100.0MHz to 150.0MHz (fundamental mode)
  • 125.0MHz to 180.0MHz (fundamental mode)

Packaging Options

The Quartz THT is available in various packages, including 3Pin versions with metal jackets and taped and reeled options.

Manufacturer Information

The datasheet is provided by auris GmbH, with contact information available online.

According to the datasheet, all specifications are subject to change without notice.


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