The HC3225/4 is a high-reliability quartz SMD ceramic resonator designed for Bluetooth and wireless LAN applications.
Key Features
Frequency range: 10.0 MHz to 150.0 MHz
Frequency tolerance: ±1 ppm to ±3 ppm (dependent on temperature range)
Load capacitance: 7 pF to 32 pF (dependent on frequency)
Temperature tolerance: -40°C to +125°C (dependent on option)
Series resistance: ≤ 500 MΩ
Shunt capacitance: ≤ 3 pF
Dimensions and Packaging
Dimensions: 5.2 mm x 2.5 mm x 0.2 mm
Package: SMD ceramic
Soldering pattern: Available
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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/q-10-000000m-hc3225-4-f-10-30-f-sr-tr/-4041581607145262688/