

The datasheet represents the technical specifications of the MOLEX Single Row Right Angle Header. Essential information, including physical dimensions, material composition, plating options, and the recommended printed circuit board (PCB) hole pattern, are detailed across the first two pages to guide designers and engineers in their selection process.

Physical Dimensions

Exact dimensional details are provided for the headers, indicating the size and spacing of pins (circuits) for various models within the range. Each specific part is referenced with a unique identifier that corresponds with different dimensional attributes, such as pitch, and overall length, ensuring compatibility with corresponding PCB designs.

Materials and Plating

The header’s components are made from high-quality materials to uphold structural integrity and ensure reliable connectivity. The wafer material is specified as 57 Glass Filled Polyester to UL 94v-0, color black, which denotes its flame-retardant properties and durability. Pins are constructed from square brass wire, and plating details are outlined to accommodate various applications, such as:

  • 300km minimum tin over 1.27min nickel overall for standard connectivity requirements,
  • gold plating options in selected areas for enhanced conductivity and corrosion resistance, specified in varying thicknesses according to part number.

Design and Quality Assurance

Critical general tolerances are defined, including those related to dimensions and angles, providing a metric scale for consistency and precision during manufacturing and inspection processes. This ensures that the header will meet the strict quality standards required for electrical components. Additionally, the datasheet includes reference to product specifications and packaging details which may be found on separate sheets and documents.

Additional Notes

Important annotations prompt users to refer to subsequent sheets for detailed plating information and comprehensive dimensions for each part number. The recommended PCB thickness is advised to be 1.60mm.

The document carries a clear warning that the drawing contains proprietary information belonging to MOLEX Incorporated and should not be used without written permission, underlining the manufacturer’s protection of intellectual property.


This datasheet is an authoritative source for the MOLEX Single Row Right Angle Header product line, providing technical details essential for designers and engineers to accurately integrate these components into their PCB designs. Complete with detailed material specifications and plating options, users are empowered to make informed choices regarding electrical connectivity solutions for various applications.


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