
Product Overview

The datasheet provides specifications and details for Molex’s ETCTM Ring Tongue Terminals, featuring a copper material and various insulation options, including Insulkrimp (PVC Insulation), Versokrimp, Nylakrimp (Nylan Insulation), and Funnel Entry Nylakrimp (Nylon Insulation).

The terminals are available in a range of wire sizes, from 24-26 AWG to 0000 AWG, with varying barrel lengths and insulation diameters.

The datasheet also provides information on the terminal’s material thickness, insulation color, and circular mil area.

Terminal Specifications

The specifications include the maximum length, wire range, and stud size for each terminal type, as well as the material thickness, insulation color, and circular mil area.

The datasheet provides a comprehensive table outlining the specific details for each terminal type, including the order number, wire range, and stud size.


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