The datasheet presents information on the AMP range of unshielded, long body modular plugs designed for different types of cables, including flat oval and round cables. The document outlines various models of 6-position and 8-position modular plugs with different packaging and ordering options.
6-Position Long Body Modular Plugs
The datasheet lists three different part numbers for 6-position long body modular plugs, designated for flat oval solid, flat oval stranded, and round stranded cables respectively. These products are available in various packaging options such as single strips, boxes of 100, boxes of 10,000 (where applicable), and bags of 25. The part numbers corresponding to each packaging option and cable type are clearly stated. However, not all packaging options are available for each part number, as indicated by ‘NA’ (Not Available) where applicable.
8-Position Modular Plugs
Similarly, for 8-position modular plugs designed for flat oval solid, flat oval stranded, round solid, round stranded, small round cable stranded, small round cable solid, small solid conductor, small stranded conductor, keyed flat oval solid, keyed flat oval stranded, and keyed round stranded lines, their corresponding part numbers are provided with the same packaging options as the 6-position plugs. The availability of each part number in a specific packaging option is also provided, with ‘NA’ indicating non-availability.
In addition to specific product codes, the datasheet includes a general description noting that small conductor products are designed for outer diameter (OD) conductors ranging from .029 to .034 inches [.737 to .864 mm]. These are differentiated by tinted blue housings from standard products which cover OD conductors from .029 to .039 inches [.737 to .991 mm]. A note indicates that where a small conductor product does not exist, standard products are used.
For those seeking specific product drawings or technical data, the datasheet directs users to contact their AMP sales engineer or call the AMP Product Information Center, providing a toll-free number. Dimensions are provided in both inches and millimeters, and it is noted that specifications are subject to change. Customers are advised to contact AMP for the most up-to-date specifications and to visit the AMP website for additional information.
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