
Overview of MIL-PRF-19500/246K Silicon Power Rectifiers

The MIL-PRF-19500/246K datasheet details the performance specifications for silicon power rectifier diodes and applies to the Department of Defense’s product requirements. It supersedes the previous MIL-PRF-19500/246J specification and includes three levels of product assurance for the following diode types: 1N3289, 1N3291, 1N3293, 1N3294, and 1N3295.

Scope and Applicability

The document presents the standards necessary for compliance with MIL-PRF-19500 and encompasses normal and reverse rectifier types, with the reverse types labeled with an “R” suffix. The key difference between the two is the connection of the anode or cathode to the device’s stud.

Physical Dimensions and Characteristics

Physical dimensions are outlined with a reference to figure 1 (DO-2OSAA – formerly DO-8). The document specifies various parameters, including repetitive peak reverse voltage (VRSM), non-repetitive peak surge current (IFSM), thermal resistance (RaJc), operating junction and storage temperature range (Tj and TsTG), and barometric pressure. These characteristics are crucial for defining device performance in different environments.

Government Documents and Standards

The datasheet references numerous government documents, such as MIL-PRF-19500 (Semiconductor Devices, General Specification) and MIL-STD-750 (Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices), affirming their integral role in establishing the specification. Additionally, the document establishes an order of precedence, stating that in the event of conflicting information, the text of this document takes priority over external references.

Requirements and Qualification

Products must comply with this and the MIL-PRF-19500 specification. Devices need to be manufactured by an authorized manufacturer listed on the Qualified Manufacturer’s List (QML) before a contract award is granted. Furthermore, the document describes requirements for lead finishes, which must be solderable, and marking for part identification and polarity indication.

Contact Information

For comments, suggestions, or questions regarding this specification sheet, contact details for the DLA Land and Maritime and an encouragement to verify address currency via the ASSIST Online database are provided.


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