The ProASIC3 Flash Family FPGAs offer advanced features and benefits, including high-capacity flash technology, mixed-voltage operation, and high-performance programmable output slew rate and drive strength.
Key Features
Up to 1 million system gates, 300 user I/Os, and 144 kbits of true dual-port SRAM. Supports various I/O standards, including LVTTL, LVCMOS, LVPECL, and LVDS.
Optional soft ARM support, with ARM Cortex-M1 processor available in some devices.
Advanced security features, including FlashLock and AES decryption (except for ARM-enabled devices).
Low power consumption, with a wide input frequency range and low-impedance flash switches.
Device Variants
Available in various package sizes and types, including QFN, VQFP, TQFP, PQFP, and FBGA.
Devices range from 15,000 to 1 million system gates, with different temperature grade offerings.
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