
The datasheet provides technical specifications for the Male Delta D Connector – a European FC (Finance Center) straight press-fit connector. Key information presents details on part numbers for both tin-lead and lead-free versions, illustrating commitment to RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive) compliance. Essential for assembly guidelines and manufacturing processes, the datasheet includes precise measurements, ensuring optimal compatibility and performance in electronic applications.

General Characteristics

The datasheet features general characteristics and RoHS compliance information which can be further explored in drawing CO1-8646-0001. It adheres to ISO standards (ISO 1302, ISO 406, ISO 1101) for surface tolerance and dimensional projections. All tolerances are specified unless otherwise noted, with a focus on accurate linear and angular dimensions.

Part Number Information

Each connector variant is clearly identified with a unique part number for easy reference. Variations between tin-lead and lead-free counterparts are distinguishable, signifying the manufacturer’s attention to environmental standards and consumer safety.

Design Specifications

Detailed measurements for PC board drilling and connector dimensions (after plating) are provided, ensuring board designers and assemblers have the precise figures required for accurate integration.

Revision and Status

The datasheet includes a PDM (Product Data Management) revision code (Rev:E), indicating its version and status. The release status and the print date (January 18, 2011) are also mentioned, offering users insight into the currency of the information.

Overall, the datasheet for the Male Delta D Connector is a vital document for professionals in the electronic industry. It provides all necessary technical specifications for product integration, adherence to environmental regulations, and clear tracking of revisions, ensuring users have access to the most up-to-date and relevant information for their requirements.


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