
Overview of LEDTRONICS F2O6C Series LED

The datasheet outlines the specifications of the F2O6C Series LED, highlighting electrical-optical characteristics and mechanical design. The LEDs come in various color options such as High-Efficiency Green (F2O6CGs-25v/20-N), High-Efficiency Red (F2O6CRS-28v/20-N), Ultra Red (FZO6CRZ-28v/20-N), Pale White (F2O6Cw6_28V/20-N), and Yellow (F2O6CY6-28v/20-N), each designed for a forward voltage of 28VDC and differing in power and current requirements.

Key Specifications

Electrical and Optical Characteristics: At an ambient temperature of 25°C, the LED variants consume power ranging from 0.35W to 0.42W and operate at a current between 0.013A to 0.015A. Viewing angles are also specified, with full beam width at 50% intensity values, showing that the LEDs have focused light outputs within 50′ to 60′ degrees.

Material and Design: The datasheet includes information on design dimensions and notes on material composition. The sleeve material is Rynite FR530, and the base is made from nickel-plated brass. The LED is designed with a center contact and specified minimum and maximum sizes, clearly outlined with precise measurements in inches and millimeters.

Environmental Tolerance: The operating temperature range for the LEDs is from -30°C to +50°C, ensuring robust performance across various environmental conditions.

Proprietary Information Notice

LEDTRONICS maintains proprietary rights to the information contained within the document, warning against unauthorized use, copying, or disclosure without explicit written consent from LEDTRONICS.

Additional Details

The datasheet lists the part numbers with the corresponding color emitted, input power, current, maximum voltage, and viewing angle of the LED. It follows the ANSI-Y14 standard scale of 2:1 and is applicable to different types such as the F2O6CXXX-OOOX model.

Contact Information: LEDTRONICS, INC., based in Torrance, California, is the entity responsible for the product and its datasheet. The datasheet also includes revision dates, approval designations, and order-specific information such as work order numbers and revision checklists.


Overall, this datasheet provides a comprehensive guide for users and professionals interested in LEDTRONICS F2O6C Series LEDs, offering crucial details about the product’s characteristics, materials, and operating conditions. The datasheet is designed for clarity, precision, and compliance with industry standards.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/f206cy6-28v-20-n/3591138470523295301/

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