Overview of L293B and L293E Semiconductor Devices
The L293B and L293E are integrated circuits designed for use as quad push-pull drivers. These devices are capable of delivering output currents of up to 1A per channel, with a peak output current of 2A per channel for non-repetitive conditions. The design features high noise immunity and an inhibit facility that allows control over the output stages. Overtemperature protection is built-in to safeguard the device from overheating.
Key Features and Capabilities
Each of the four channels can be controlled via a TTL-compatible logic input and come with an inhibit input that turns off all the transistors in the event of an overcurrent or similar event. Additionally, a separate logic supply input is provided that allows the logic circuitry to run at a different voltage, typically lower, to minimize power dissipation. Furthermore, the L293E variant offers external connection for sensing resistors, enabling switchmode control, an addition that is not available with the L293B.
Package and Heat Dissipation
The L293B is available in a 16-pin plastic DIP (Dual In-line Package), whereas the L293E comes in a 20-pin configuration. Both these packages utilize their four center pins to conduct heat away from the chip and into the printed circuit board (PCB) to aid in dispersing the generated heat during operation.
Pin Configuration and Block Diagrams
The provided content also specifies the pin configuration of the drivers, along with the pin designations for chip enable, logic and power supply inputs, outputs, sensing, and ground connections. For the L293E, a PowerDIP (16+2+2) package is detailed, and for the L293B, a DIP16 package is given. The block diagrams included in the datasheet offer a visual representation of the internal configuration of the components and their interconnections for both the L293B and L293E.
Product Ordering Information
The datasheet specifies the ordering numbers for these devices, which are integral for purchasers and engineers when specifying or integrating these components into their electronic designs. The ordering numbers provided are ‘L293B’ for the 16-pin version and ‘L293E’ for the 20-pin model. The documents presented in the datasheet indicate its last update occurred in July 2003, which provides a reference for the currency of the provided technical data.
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